
All persons should seek appropriate professional investment advice in reviewing or considering this website (the ‘Web Site’) and all other information with respect to New Talisman Gold Mines Limited’s business, financial performance and operations.

Neither the provision of the Web Site nor the information contained therein, or any associated communication to any person, should be taken as constituting financial advice regarding the purchase or dealing of shares in New Talisman Gold Mines Limited.

The Web Site and presentation does not purport to provide all information that might reasonably be required to complete a detailed assessment of New Talisman Gold Mines Limited. Individuals should conduct their own investigation of investment and financial parameters relevant to their personal requirements for investment purposes.

Although New Talisman Gold Mines Limited commissioned the geological information and data referred to in the Web Site the Company does not guarantee or otherwise warrant the accuracy or currency of such information or data.

Further, no representation is given or warranty is made in respect of any future performance of the share price of shares in New Talisman Gold Mines Limited, its subsidiaries, or any company associated with it.

The Web Site may contain forward looking statements regarding the intentions of the Company, and these will be affected by movements in share markets, commodity prices and many other factors beyond the control of Company. The Web Site must be considered in the light of these uncertainties and investments in New Talisman Gold Mines Limited should be considered as speculative in nature.

The Web Site is not a prospectus or similar disclosure document and does not represent an offer of any securities.